Alpha Publication Terms & Conditions

The Alpha Publication is dedicated to safeguarding the terms and conditions of its members and other people it interacts with.

Whether you use our website or interact with us in any other way, The Alpha Publication may collect or receive personal information about you or a third party (hereinafter referred to as "you"), including The Alpha Publication members (hereinafter referred to as "Members"). Your personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") that we receive from you or that we otherwise obtain will only be used in the ways described in this Policy. You should be aware that we may gather, use, and transfer your personal information in the ways outlined in this policy if you visit and/or contact us through the website (or interact with us in any other way).


The Alpha Publication only gathers personal data that is necessary for its operations and works to keep that data accurate and current. Your name, address, and contact information, including your email and phone number, your age range, your gender, if you identify as a member of an underrepresented group, and whether you have a disability are all examples of the types of personal information that The Alpha Publication may gather from you. The personal data The Alpha Publication gathers and that you give us might occasionally be used (on a confidential basis) to enhance our Web site, make wider offers, or help us meet legal requirements. In addition to this, we will only use your personal information to communicate with you (as detailed below) and typically for the reasons you gave us the information, such as to:

  1. process your application to become a member of The Alpha Publication, as well as for your membership renewal, update, and general administration;
  2. process orders, provide the products or services that you've ordered, and offer you information or support regarding those goods or services;
  3. process your registration and application for a meeting, competition, or other events.


The Alpha Publication keeps track of each member's purchases of services in member databases that also include mailing, billing, and profile information (such as your name, address, and contact information). The Alpha Publication also keeps databases of purchases made and registrations made for conferences and other The Alpha Publication events by members and non-members. Authorized The Alpha Publication staff members use the data in these databases to process orders, mail invoices, purchases, renewal notices, and announcements, reply to member inquiries and enhance our services. As long as a person is an Alpha Publication member, and for two years after that, member records are kept on file. Transactions and purchases made with credit cards are kept on file for as long as is necessary to fulfill contractual, tax, or auditing obligations.

Except where required by law, all personally identifiable information in The Alpha Publication membership, purchase, and registration databases is treated as confidential and will only be used for the purposes outlined in this policy.

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